About Warrior Dog Foundation

We provide a bridge for Military Working Dogs (MWD), Contract Working Dogs (CWD), and Law Enforcement K9s (LEO) transitioning from service to retirement. The retired K9s who come to the Warrior Dog Foundation are those who are no longer able to continue their working career and have no other retirement options. There are various reasons for retirement such as physical injury, mental injury (canine PTSD), age, handler retirement, or department restructuring. Our aim is to rehabilitate them in order to find them permanent homes. In cases where this is not possible, we offer a sanctuary where they can live out their retirement in comfort and with care.

Giving Our Warriors The Retirement They Have Earned

Mike Ritland founded the Warrior Dog Foundation to provide rehabilitation for retired working K9s slated for euthanasia.

The Warrior Dog Foundation provides a rare sanctuary of last resort, ensuring the dignity and grace of each individual K9's care, including mental and physical rehabilitation for the rest of their lives.

Adopt a Hero Today

Mike Ritland, a former Navy SEAL, is the founder of The Warrior Dog Foundation. He has authored bestselling books and is dedicated to caring for retired working K9s. Ritland's work has been featured in major publications and he has appeared on various TV networks. In 2013, he established The Warrior Dog Foundation and also owns Trikos International, a company training service dogs globally.